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The library is a supplement to the booklet and is divided into Hoppe's main works and works by other authors. Some works can be viewed and downloaded from the website. Use the buttons below to get to the library you want.

Reading tips, but first, useful to know:


Ruthlessly direct

HHoppe's predecessors and role models Ludwig von Mises and Murray Rothbard were economists critical of the state in the tradition of the so-called "Austrian School". They inspired Hoppe to likewise always formulate his insights and views without regard to the consequences for his reputation and career.


Until 2000: Theoretical period

Hoppe's works before the turn of the century challenged existing dogma in economics, ethics, and political systems.  But he also proposed an alternate type of society based on private law and a new justification for freedom.  His crystal-clear, rarely polemical writing delights readers with curious and disciplined minds


Since then: increasingly politically incorrect

Since the 1990s, Hoppe has increasingly explored historical and cultural themes. This just at a time when political sensitivities are on the rise: Is it still permissible to talk about cultural differences, about alternative theories of history, about the difference between men and women?



For the more politically sensitive souls we recommend an introduction to libertarian thought via Hoppe's books before the turn of the century and the works of other authors, for example the suggestions below. Intrepid minds may start with the work "Democracy" and then enjoy the excellent (English) anthology "The Great Fiction".

 Hoppe Unplugged 2024 –  All Rights Reserved
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