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Views, insights and provocations from interviews and speeches by

Prof. Hans-Hermann Hoppe.

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ABOUT the booklet

Are you a coward?

Then you will soon put this booklet away. Because it requires courage. The courage to deal with politically incorrect thoughts. But it's worth it. Because the world belongs to the brave, not to the yes-sayers and conformists.


Why for teenagers and the young at heart?

Young people and those young at heart are looking for answers. They are skeptical, curious and open to new ideas and ways. Older generations are often mentally stuck. It is therefore difficult for them to imagine a society without a state monopoly on the use of force.

Hoppe presents just that. He shows that a society based entirely on voluntary, peaceful relationships is not only possible, but also just, and that such a society allows for maximum peace and prosperity .



What does this booklet promise?

Hoppe presents a radical and consistent alternative to the politically correct one-size-fits-all approach. And experience also shows: Hoppe leaves no one cold. He will inspire or annoy, and that is a good thing. For the questions and answers presented here are intended to stimulate reflection, debate, confirmation or refutation, and finally the study of further literature.


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The editor's motive

Thomas Jacob grew up in the "politically squalid seventies", as he puts it. His search for a consistent and inspiring political philosophy initially ended with Hans- Hermann Hoppe. "Hoppe answered my most fundamental questions, the rest is an application of these principles. That gives me peace of mind and security and I want to make that available to others, especially young people". Jacob has known Hoppe personally since 1990 and is good friends with him.

 Hoppe Unplugged 2024 –  All Rights Reserved
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