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how exactly does social policy make society poorer?
how exactly does social policy make society poorer?
how exactly does social policy make society poorer?
how exactly does social policy make society poorer?
how exactly does social policy make society poorer?
how exactly does social policy make society poorer?
Duration: 01:29
Duration: 01:29
Duration: 01:29
Duration: 01:29
Duration: 01:29
Nice robbers
Nice robbers
Nice robbers
social classes
social classes
The editor's motive
Thomas Jacob grew up in the "politically squalid seventies", as he puts it. His search for a consistent and inspiring political philosophy initially ended with Hans- Hermann Hoppe. "Hoppe answered my most fundamental questions, the rest is an application of these principles. That gives me peace of mind and security and I want to make that available to others, especially young people". Jacob has known Hoppe personally since 1990 and is good friends with him.
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